As a female photographer photographing mostly men, I utilize the camera to control the narrative and navigate the complexities of social interaction and gender dynamics.
In Deuce (2020), I extend my practice from documented performances to the exposure of the act of documentation, inviting the spectator to witness my work as it unfolds. Ten men are situated in an industrial flour mill and follow my orders. The men perform an array of tasks that result in the construction of an in-house tennis court. Similar to my earlier works, in the video, I appear in a male-dominated environment, the sports field, where I regain control and power through the photographic event. The camera is a powerful tool here; it is only when I hold it that I function as the authority.
The title Deuce and its meaning in the tennis scoring system refer to a moment of critical equality between the two competitors. The game cannot end at this point, someone must take the lead. In the video, I attempt to create similar equality between myself and my male counterparts; by ordering the men around I balance gendered power dynamics, allowing a woman to “win”. However, this “win” is only temporary, much like a deuce, and will cease once the camera is turned off. In the final artwork, currently in progress, I aim to transform this Deuce into an Advantage.